Roe v. Wade (1973)

In light of the ongoing controversy about abortion and all of that matter, it's time to examine a crucial case regarding this issue.

Jane Roe, from Texas, wanted to end her pregnancy. However, Texas prevented abortions except to save the woman's life. The Court heard her twice, as the first time they were unable to relate the argument constitutionally.

Does a woman have the right to end a pregnancy based on the right to privacy (Griswold v. Connecticut)?

Supporters say that a woman can have the right to her own body and can do what she wants with it. They argue that undeveloped fetuses are bundles of cells that should not be considered life. Not having an abortion can lead to a mistreated child who suffers a cruel life.

Opponents argue against it saying that it is hurting the potential for a new life, and that the potential for life is important. Life should not be played with and that people who engage in sex should know the implications and that it is their fault. Unless of course, it is rape or some severe case then yes.

In a 7-2 decision, the court agreed that a women have total autonomy over pregnancy in the first trimester, and to this day, abortion has been legal federally.


It did make the federal government stronger and shows the contrast between different parts of the law, where ending life is unfair, but also restricting rights for women.

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