McDonald v. Chicago (2010)

McDonald v. Chicago, no not the restaurant, was a Supreme Court ruling that defined the Second Amendment to own guns as protected federally and not under states' sovereignty. The Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit supported Chicago banning handguns and regulating rifle and shotguns. They references United States v. Cruikchas, Presser v. Illinois, and Miller v. Texas.

Does the Second Amendment apply?

The opposing side views the city as having the right to maintain gun restrictions.

The side supporting McDonald claimed it didn't' hurt anyone and that it is not the city's job to refuse liberties guaranteed in the Second Amendment

In a 5-4 decision, the court reversed the previous ruling and deemed the Second Amendment was incorporated under the 14th Amdnement and that those rights shall not be infringed by local governments. It guaranteed equal protection under the law.

It did make the federal government stronger and proves how the SupremeCourt is leaning toward supporting the constitution and amendments and is refusing to go against what the founding fathers intended.

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